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Hotel managers will keep an eye on expenses with the goal of reducing costs, but that may not be enough for a reduction in costs.  Operating costs can be expensive with electricity, gas, water, and sewer being the major brunt of costs, they are also the one place with the most opportunity for savings. Hotels can achieve this with a utility audit. These bills should be scrutinized to see if they are accurate, and savings are available.

Hire a professional third party auditor to help you reduce your energy expenses. Auditors have the experience to know what to look for on a bill and where to find it. They are trained to spot inaccuracies, errors, and mistakes that most people might never detect. These are some of the items the auditors look at for achieving a reduction in costs for your hotel:

  • The meter readings and multipliers are reviewed to ensure they are being recorded and billed correctly.
  • A rate review and analysis on the consumption pattern of the hotel will be completed. The utility company does not always have an account at the correct rate.  If a better rate is available, a request to the utility to change is made by the auditor for savings reductions.
  • Hotels spend a lot of money on electricity. Movement toward a reduction in electricity usage will help you spend less and will ultimately lead to savings. Recommendations on ways to control your spending when it comes to electricity  are made.  These may include usage of compact fluorescent bulbs, HVAC unit updates, control of the HVAC units and thermostats in unused rooms.  Also, any rebates or incentives available to help with updates to a hotel will be presented.
  • Water and sewer costs keep rising. A utility bill audit on usage can provide a water reduction strategy for ways to take control of water.
  • There are many cases where deregulation of electric and gas supply can help you save. Deregulation has allowed hotels and resorts to shop around. Availability to supply opportunities and review of any current contract  is done by an experienced broker for savings.

We understand that cost concerns can be significant. That’s why most of the Renodis utility audit clients pay nothing upfront. Our compensation is derived from a percentage of the savings we identify and implement, which is set prior to the commencement of the audit. This negotiated percentage is shared with all future savings and any credited refunds.


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